Giuseppe Gherardi
Innovation & Strategic Management
- Degree in Civil and Transport Engineering from the University of Bologna
- MBA Master in Business Administration at Profingest
- From September 2000 to January 2003 Operations Director of GVS Spa (BO)
- From July 2005 to August 2007 Industrial and Product Director of Cefla Finishing Division Group, Imola (BO); previously, from 2003 to 2005, Operations Director of Cefla Finishing
- From September 2007 to October 2011 General Manager of Delle Vedove Group (PN)
- From November 2011 to December 2012 Business Unit General manager of Bonfiglioli Riduttori Italia Spa (BO)
- From February 2016 to April 2018 Temporary Managing Director at Piarottolegno Spa (VE), leading manufacturer of semi-finished products for the furniture and building industries, which led to its expansion both in the Italian and in the foreign markets.
- From January 2013 Temporary Manager and Business Consultant : Strategic (due diligence, business plan, industrial plans, company turnaround, startup, M&A, company evaluation) and Operational (supply chain management, R&D, product development, Lean Manufacturing, international procurement) management & consultancy. Among references: Cefla Sc (BO); Amga Energia Spa (FC); NSC Schlumberger Groupe (FR); Bonfiglioli Riduttori (BO); Baschieri & Pellagri (BO); La Fortezza (BO); Mesgo (BG); ATEX (MI); Kayser Italia (LI); Dana, Arco (TN); Forgital, Velo d’Ascoli (VC); Ducati Motor Holding (BO), Pramac, Casole d’Elsa (SI), Effer (BO); Agri Production (BO); GB Gearboxes (BO); Fondo Italiano d’Investimento (MI), Ansaldo Caldaie (VA); Banca Apulia (BA); Fondo Palladio, Vicenza; Cesab-Toyota (BO)
- From 2021 Vice President of Essetre (VI), leading company in the production of CNC machining centers for wood
- In addition to his managerial activity, he is also teacher at SDA Bocconi, lecturer at Bologna Business School, adjunct professor at the Department of Economics at UNIBO; he carries out training, speaking and publishing activity
- Since November 2022 member of Industry Experts Cavour team
- Languages: English