25 Mar 2018

Cavour Associate Partner Federico Laschet moved to Washington DC

Federico Laschet, Cavour Associate Partner since 2015, recently moved to Washington DC, USA.

We believe that a local presence in the world largest capital market will facilitate the promotion of our customers’ projects; at the same time it will provide qualified support for those Italian companies that wish to establish or expand their base in the American market, particularly considering the new protectionist trade policies.

Federico holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan University. He gained 30 years experience in General Management in industrial companies in Europe and US with specific expertise in turnaround of manufacturing companies and international sales management in different industries: Plastics, Packaging, Appliances, Robotics, Electronics, Oil &Gas.

This relocation will strengthen our international organization and allow us to provide a more effective service for the cross border operations between Italian and North American firms and investors.

