Cavour Corporate Finance celebrates 30 years of activity
Cavour started its activity in 1987 under Cavour Finanziaria name,in the office located in Bologna, Via Farini; it was the first M&A boutique in Emilia Romagna region, formed by independent and skilled professionals, and also today it is the main M&A boutique in Emilia Romagna for consulting services to PMI and particularly for cross-border transactions.
Cavour serves PMI and industrial groups with qualified and tailor made advisory services for M&A transactions, domestic and cross-border sales and acquisitions, Strategic and Financial Consulting, IPOs, Corporate Restructuring and Evaluations, Private Equity (MBO/MBI, with or without leverage) and Venture Capital.
Since its foundation Cavour and its partners closed over 130 M&A transactions
Among Cavour clients there are several excellent companies from Bologna and from Emilia Romagna such as: IMA, ARCTE, Ravaglioli, Motovario, ViaBizzuno, Cefla, Ferretti Group, Macron, Best Union, Caprari Group, WP Lavori in Corso, IpeCavalli – Visionnaire, Elettric 80, other Italian companies as Mapei Group, Teamsystem, Colorificio San Marco, Pierrel Group, Albatros, Tesmec, Morellato, GI Group, Trenkwalder Italia, Arval Italia, Poltrona Frau, Cavagna Group, DMO Group, and leading multinational groups as Wurth, Dana Corp., Yale Securities, Smurfit Group, Belden CDT, Masco, Umeco, Dentsply.
Almost half of deals closed are cross-border. Expecially in these transactions Cavour can exploit its best resources, the international network of contacts with M&A Consulting Companies, Merchant Banks, Investment Funds, International Groups, which Cavour has consolidated relationships with.
Cavour currently maintains partnerships with single members of the main International M&A networks:
IMAP, International Network of M&A Partners, formed in 1973 and present with 60 offices worldwide; Cavour has been the exclusive Italian member from 2000 to 2013.
Woodbridge International, established in 1990 and present with 13 offices in USA and 24 in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Cavour is defined a glocal partner, specialized in cross-border transactions with a customized approach and local competences thanks to its foreign partners.
In the last ten months Cavour closed 4 deals, of which one in the retail sector and three in the manufacturing sector; particularly notable are two acquisitions made by MAPEI Group, respectively in Mexico and in Columbia.