Two new professionals joined the team Cavour
Alessandra Battistel – Senior Advisor
Alessandra Battistel, professional expert in M&A e Corporate Finance, joined Cavour as Senior Advisor.
She has been working for more than 13 years at Mediobanca Spa, from 1999 to 2006 as Corporate Finance Advisor in the Triveneto and Emilia Romagna regions, from 2007 to 2013 at the controlled company Spafid, natural person / legal person trust.
Previously, from 1991 to 1998, she was consultant in Marketing and Corporate Branding.
Since 2014 she has been consultant in Corporate Finance and Family Office.
The skills and experience of Alessandra Battistel will be an important contribution to the development of Cavour in their traditional areas of operation, the M & A and corporate finance.
Federico Laschet – Associate Partner
Federico Laschet, former General Manager in leading industries in Europe and USA, joined Cavour as Associate Partner.
25 years experience in General Management in industrial companies in Europe and US with specific expertise in turnaround of manufacturing companies and international sales management in different industries: Plastics, Packaging, Appliances, Robotics, Electronics, Oil &Gas.
In the course of its activity it has become particularly specialized in the revival of manufacturing and in the development of international distribution networks for retail and for different industries: Plastic, Packaging, Robotics, Industrial Electronics, Oil & Gas, Appliances. After graduating in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan (USA) and a Masters in International Business Management from Glendale, Arizona (USA), he worked at Nordson Corp., Ohio, as Robot Marketing Manager, then at the branch Chicago Fidia SpA, as Commercial Director.
He has been Managing Director at ISE Spa, Pirelli Group; at Fox Bompani Spa, industrial appliances Group; at Piovan Group, global leader in the plastic auxiliary equipment. He has been Managing Director at Coopbox Spa, CCPL Group, Italian leader in the packaging industry for fresh food; COO at Socotherm Spa, listed company leader in pipe coating for extraction and transportation of oil&gas; CEO at Fabbri Group, world leader in machines and films for the fresh food packaging sector. From 2013 he begins working as advisor for projects of corporate finance and M & A, specializing in various industries.
Since May 2015 is working with Cavour to the development of M & A.
Ha ricoperto la carica di direttore Generale presso ISE Spa, società del Gruppo Pirelli che si occupa di controlli di processo computerizzati; in Fox Bompani Spa, gruppo industriale di Modena produttore di elettrodomestici; nel Gruppo Piovan, leader mondiale di impianti per il trattamento della plastica.